Artist in Residence ~ WPU Summer Jazz Camp
Posted: August 20, 2019
It felt really strange to be driving out to William Paterson Univ after all these years. They had a real treat in store for me. I was to visit all the groups assembled for the Summer Jazz Camp. I was delighted with the students attending this camp. Also beautiful to run into old friends teaching there; Steve LaSpina, Tim Ferguson, James Weidman, Marcus McLaurine, and happily, Dr. David Demsey! Joining me at the concert were some very special people. Returning to WPU; Graduates Freddie Hendrix and Sam Sadigursky and new friends; Suillivan Fortner and E.J. Strickland. Check these guys out! The concert was fantastic. I think the audience liked it too!!
Freddie, Sullivan, Rufus, Sam, E.J.