The Big Band Sound Of Rufus Reid

Posted: September 6, 2024

I am thrilled to be back at Dizzy’s Club with my Big Band music. I will have some new tunes for you to listen to, and perhaps some new players for you to meet, along with many of my long time friends. Dennis Mackrel will be holding us together with his Conducting as usual!
Steve Allee, piano
Rufus Reid, bass
Kenneth Salters, drums
Sheryl Bailey, guitar

Steve Wilson
Ashley Hines
Scott Robinson
Roxy Coss
Carl Maraghi

Frank Greene
Freddie Hendrix
David Adewumi
Summer Camargo (10/24-10/25 and 10/27)
Nathan Eklund (10/26)

Ryan Keberle
Dion Tucker
Gina Benalcazar
Dave Taylor

Be sure to check the times.
Thursday through Saturday sets are: 7:00pm and 9:00pm
Sunday sets are at 5:00pm and 7:30pm
See you there!