Rufus Reid – MSUFCU Guest Artist in Residence
Posted: June 8, 2016
Selected Bassist for The 2016-17 Michigan State University Federal Credit Union Guest Artist in Residence
My jazz residency will feature a joint performance with the MSU Jazz Orchestra I, led by Rodney Whitaker
Concert December 9, 2016
Location: Fairchild Theatre, MSU Auditorium,
542 Auditorium Rd
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Phone: (517) 353-5340
Time: 8:00 PM
Every academic year, four nationally and internationally known jazz artists visit campus for a week-long residency to teach and perform with College of Music students and faculty. During their stay, jazz artists engage the campus community with public concerts and visits to local school systems, including regional tours across the state with MSU Jazz Orchestra I.