Rufus Reid at The Richard Davis Foundation for Young Bassists, UW-Madison
Posted: March 25, 2022
This is a very special weekend for all of us this year, as we will be back in person at the University, ready to welcome and work with young bassists, age 3-18. This is always very inspiring. I have taught at these weekends for many years, and it still surprises me to see what young people can do.
Students: Register now if you have not yet done so!
Student Registration for the Richard Davis Foundation Weekend Conference
Come to the concert, you will be delighted and amazed. The young students will be performing with the faculty. They will also premier “The Pied Piper,” a piece I composed last year in honor of Richard Davis’ 90th birthday.
Concert Tickets FREE
Peruse the Richard Davis Foundaetion website. You will enjoy its incredible history.
“As Professor of Bass, Ricard Davis saw, first-hand, how young bassists were arriving at their college auditions less prepared, less advanced, and not competitive for scholarships, than their upper string peers. In 1993, Richard Davis set out on a mission to change that. Not accepting the status quo situation, Richard started the foundation to better prepare bassists for entrance into university music schools.”