It was so great to hear you play on many occasions and watch you interact with the students during the last two weeks.  You sounded fantastic as always.  Your ability to “say it with less” is remarkable.  You continue to evolve and inspire me in so many ways.
Lynn Seaton,
University of North Texas

Rufus – Thanks again for your music, your wonderful playing, and being so good with my students!

Good luck and inspiration with your writing!
Take care – such a pleasure to work with you!

John Mahoney
Loyola University, New Orleans, LA

You are a rare gem.  Your breadth as a musician, bassist, composer, arranger, and educator was exactly what our students needed to see and hear.  Most importantly, you are a true gentleman and a scholar of the music.  Your passion has excited and inspired our students, and your impact will be felt for a long time.
On a personal note, I can hardly find a way to express my thanks to you.  I always hope that we can bring people here that will assist us in what we are trying to do, but you exceeded my expectations.

Kent Engelhardt
Youngstown State University

While Rufus’ energy outdistanced that of the students, they would have enjoyed spending even more time with him.  His considerable experience teaching, his fantastic artistic gift and his genuinely caring personality endeared him to the students and enabled them to accomplish much in a short time.  He showed us just how much depth could be realized from his compositions.

Matthew McGarrell
Brown University

It was a truly profound and incredible experience having you with us.  Artists of your stature are a boon to the band, certainly for the name of the band and all that but the important part is that the band members just benefit so much from watching you, hearing you and listening to you speak.

You are an incredible example to all of us and a great man.

Joe Jackson
The US Air Force Airmen of Note

The Evolving Bassist Book and DVD

“Rufus Reid is the evolving bassist.  His 30-plus-year career has been a journey through many roles, and he’s always looking for new ways to spread his influence as a bassist, teacher, composer, and bandleader.  Reid’s books The Evolving Bassist and Evolving Upward have long been indispensable guides for aspiring jazzers, and his inspired instruction at jazz clinics worldwide has reached countless players.  Reid has earned a reputation as one of our most consistent, creative, and adaptable jazz bassists.”

John Goldsby for Bass Player Magazine, March, 1999

It seems like you are always searching for ways to learn more about playing and improving your connection to the bass, and it is very inspiring. Lately I was searching for something new to keep my approach fresh, and I’ve found the book to be just the thing to keep things happening. I’ve gone headfirst into your book and DVD, and it has been great.

Andy Raciti
Assistant Principle Bass
The Sydney Symphonic Orchestra

I have to tell you that The Evolving Bassist is THE most interesting and generative piece of work I’ve come across. I was looking for a new edition of Bach Cello Suites the other day when your book jumped out at me. I thought, Man, I’ve seen this for years. I think I’ll just check it out. It’s only been a few days but certain things in there – and I’m not sure what yet have broken up old habits and created new concepts very quickly – kind of scary- in a good kind of way.

I just want to thank you for all the careful thought that went into the book. It speaks to me.

Michael Gold, Ph.D.
Jazz Impact

There are quite a few educational or instructional DVD’s on the market, and there will no doubt be many more as players, educators and fans realize what a great medium this is.  As an avid reader, I would never say a bad thing about a book, but given the oral and aural tradition of Jazz, it seems obvious that a DVD offers advantages in sight and sound.  When one can have a veteran teacher and great bassist like Rufus Reid in one’s home, at any time–one can hear and see him speak, play, and sing–that is tremendous.  A wonderful product from the original Evolving Bassist.

Chris Kosky
ISB Magazine

Mon, 20 Mar 2006

Dear Rufus,

Because of your DVD I’ve been getting even more orders for the endpins. You seem to have opened up the idea to another segment of bass players. For instance, I got a call from a young guy in the north of Scotland who had to have it because he admires you and wants to take your advice even if there is no one within hundreds of miles to help him understand what’s going on. That is pretty neat, don’t you think? Besides all the people you know love you from personal experience, there are many more whom you will never meet.

George Vance

On Receiving the Living Legacy Award

Congratulations on being the recipient of this year’s Living Legacy Award.  You have built an amazing collection of achievements in the musical arena but my recollection of you, is as the most wonderful person, with time to spare in sharing your warm personality with budding musicians and jazz music enthusiasts.

Thank you for the time you have invested in sharing your joy and your passion for music around the world.

The selection committee has chosen well this year and I support their decision wholeheartedly.

Yours sincerely,
Liz Cassidy